Field Study, our course, gives us the opportunity to observe an actual scenario of the class. We have different tasks that really help us in directing the learning that we should acquire. There are also guiding questions that led us and awaken our inquisition skills. Along this course, I definitely gained vital information that will help me enhance my teaching skills and my perception in an actual class setting.
We have been using distance learning all over the world and this is an unprecedented scenario and therefore, we are all unprepared and still continuing to adopt this new method of teaching and learning. Throughout my observation on Sta. Ignacia Academy online class, I have learned teaching styles effective for online meetings and I have seen the teacher's challenges in teaching. An example is a technical error, unresponsive gadgets, and it's really stressful for us, facilitators of learning. This reality that I have seen remained in my mind and made me ask myself how I am going to go through this problem if this happened during my teaching process. I have seen my resource person worry about it but I am happy to share that he tried his best to continue teaching by using his camera. Indeed, problems will occur during our teaching process from time to time especially now that we are subscribing to distance learning. However, as teachers, we must do everything that will save the learning process. Learner-centered teaching is being promoted and we should do what meets the learners' necessities.
With the given takeaways from the course, I also came to the realization that teaching is not an easy profession. It takes lots of learning processes to be able to manifest a quality teaching process. We're still using distance learning so teaching became more difficult. This field study is an eye-opener to the reality of online distance teaching. Hopefully, I can apply the important learnings that I have acquired throughout this course.